COMPETENCY: AM01.00 Investigate organizations related to the agricultural mechanics industry.
OBJECTIVE: AM01.01 Describe opportunities for leadership development in agricultural
mechanics organizations.
Opportunities for Leadership Development in Agricultural Mechanics (FFAH), (G)
A. Parts of a total Agricultural Mechanics program
1. Classroom and laboratory instruction.
2. Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).
3. FFA.
B. Ceremonies and traditions
1. FFA mission--to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for
premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
2. Strategies – know the ways to accomplish the mission.
3. Opening and closing ceremonies are rituals that add dignity to a meeting and explain the meaning of
certain traditional emblems.
4. There are many other traditions and ceremonies used in the FFA that can benefit students both while in
high school as well as in jobs after graduation.
C. Opportunities
1. Officers and committees-know duties and how those experiences can be used in the agricultural
mechanics industry. Example-President-preside of over tractor dealer association meetings, Secretarykeep
minutes of meetings of special committees for area farm show, Treasurer-keep financial records
for fundraising activity of antique tractor show, Reporter-serve on county fair public relations
committee, etc.
2. Program of activities-helps in setting goals and developing plans and steps to reach those goals.
3. Career development events-speaking events, parliamentary procedure to learn how to participate in
business meetings, skills events such as agricultural mechanics and tool and materials.
4. Proficiency awards-entrepreneurship or placement individual awards growing out of a student’s SAE
5. Banquets, conventions, conferences, social events, community service, etc.
COMPETENCY: AM01.00 Investigate organizations related to the agricultural mechanics industry.
OBJECTIVE: AM01.02 Examine youth activities provided by agricultural mechanics.
AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS IActivities Provided by Agricultural Mechanics Organizations (FFAH) (G)
(Use information from Objective 001.01 and the references to examine activities provided by
agricultural mechanics organizations).
COMPETENCY: AM02.00 Demonstrate the process used to conduct business meetings in agricultural
mechanics industry organizations.
OBJECTIVE: AM02.01 Explain the role of parliamentary procedure in conducting business
Role of Parliamentary Procedure (FFAH) pp. 55-60
A. Main Objectives of Parliamentary Law
1. Focus on one item at a time – helps prevent confusion.
2. Extend courtesy to everyone – recognize before speaking.
3. Observe the rule of majority – keeps unpopular ideas from being adopted.
4. Ensure the rights of the minority – all sides can make motions, second motions, discuss and vote.
B. Definition of Parliamentary Procedure – using well-defined rules from
business using a formal, organized approach.
C. Discussion or debate – requires a 2/3 majority vote to stop discussion.
D. Presiding officer should be fair and impartial – should leave the chairman’s station and relinquish
chairman’s duties to discuss or present a point of view.
E. Many organizations including FFA have rituals to explain emblems or symbols and to emphasize traditions
and beliefs. Rituals include opening and closing ceremonies, degree ceremonies, creeds, etc.
F. An agenda or list of what will be done at a business meeting should be prepared before the meeting.
G. Parliamentary Procedure CDE is a team leadership activity, whereas, creed, extemporaneous speaking and prepared public speaking are individual leadership activities.
Roberts Rules of Order to conductCOURSE: AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS I
COMPETENCY: AM02.00 Demonstrate the process used in conducting business meetings in agricultural
mechanics industry organizations.
OBJECTIVE: AM02.02 Demonstrate key parliamentary abilities that would be used in a business
Most Used Parliamentary Abilities (FFAH) pp. 55-60
A. Main Motion – to present a new idea or item of business (only one can be on floor or before the group at the
same time)
1. Address presiding officer.
2. Receive recognition to speak.
3. State motion – “I move to …” or “I move that…”
4. Another member seconds motion (to show that more than one person wants the item of business before
the group).
5. Motion is discussed.
6. Vote on motion.
7. Chair announces result of vote.
B. Adjourn – to close the meeting.
C. Refer to Committee – places the motion in a committee and motion should include:
1. Number on committee
2. How appointed.
3. Powers and duties.
4. When to report back.
D. Point of Order – used to correct a parliamentary mistake
E. Division of Assembly or House – to get a counted vote
F. Amendment – to change a motion (requires simple majority vote)
G. Previous question – to stop discussion (requires 2/3 majority vote)
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